Places to Eat

We are very fortunate to have a number of great places to eat within the East Neuk of Fife all of which serve a very high standard of cuisine.

It is difficult to determine a favourite for they are all good in their own special way, here are some suggestions.

The East Pier Smokehouse at St Monans is open from Spring to Autumn and serves up the most delicious of Fish dishes, great portions and on a less than windy day there are places to sit out, eat and enjoy the beautiful coastline.

Craig Millar @ 16 West End is also in St Monans and serves equally tasty but a much finer cuisine.

The Cellar is situated along the coast at Anstruther, but you have to book reasonably well in advance and is a great fine dining experience.

The Peat Inn, is at Peat Inn and as well as proving some lovely accommodation, they are also a well established fine dining experience.


The HAAR, in St Andrews is definitely one of the new kids on the block but their reputation has quickly become well established. Their tasting menus is worth re-visiting time and time again and the Oyster signature dish is one worthy of a Michelin star.

The Seafood Ristorante is down by the Old Course at St Andrews and serves some of the best fish dishes in the area. During the lighter evenings the views of the coastline simply add to the pleasure of eating there.

The Ship Inn at Elie is also worth both a mention and visit. Not so much fine dining but a great place to get good local food and there is something on the menu that will suit everyones tastes.